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Litter Picking Kit 16pk

16 litter pickers
16 hi-vis vests
16 hoops

Fee: £ 0.00 per 4 days

Brand: Keep Wales Tidy
Code: KWT-020

Borrow what you need for free
All our ‘borrowers’ are provided with health and safety guidance and must fill out a quick risk assessment and sign a litter picking loan agreement.

Each Kit has:
16 litter pickers
16 hi-vis vests
16 hoops – essential for keeping your bags open in breezy conditions.
and a roll of rubbish bags

You must also return loaned items by the agreed date in their original condition. Any breakages or losses may need to be paid for and borrowers are expected to notify the hub of any theft, loss or damage as soon as possible to reduce the risk of disruption to other borrowers.

Additional items available
User manual

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